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OEM Software

OEMConfig Android Application

Zebra OEMConfig is an administrative tool for configuring Zebra Android devices using Android Managed Configurations. To configure a feature for which no Android Enterprise API is available, the use of Managed Configurations is the only available method based on publicly available specifications developed by Google and the Android community.

OEMConfig interfaces with Zebra's Mobility Extensions Management System (known simply as MX), an XML-based communication framework for managing the capabilities and behaviors of Zebra Android devices.

OEM Config Logo


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Compatible Hardware

This software has been approved for following Android version of Zebra devices - com.zebra.oemconfig.common.apk (Android N,O, Android-10 and Android 11) and com.zebra.oemconfig.release.apk (Android 11 and above)

Additional Resources

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This utility can also be downloaded from the Google Play Store:

11.5 Android Package:

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