Veritas employee scanning a meter
Success Story

Veritas Increases Efficiency of Metre Replacement Process

Veritas is an Italian multi-utility company that supplies water, waste removal and other services to both businesses and residents. It had previously used Zebra TC5x Series touch computers to automate the metre reading process.

Zebra Success Story: Veritas

Overview: Utilities Challenge

Having already automated its water meter reading service with a solution from Zebra Technologies and Lektor, Veritas also wanted to digitalise its meter replacement process.

Benefits / Outcomes

  •  Moving to an automated process has eliminated the need for paperwork and manual data entry, resulting in increased efficiency, productivity and data accuracy
  • Photographic documentation and realtime data across the business enable immediate resolution of any disputes and increase customer satisfaction
  • The solution has made it easier for Veritas to comply with regulations regarding timeframes for meter replacements
  • The Zebra devices and Lektor applications are easy to use, reliable and robust, and end user feedback has been excellent
  • Veritas is delighted with the comprehensive Zebra support package – especially the next business day device replacement – which ensures its field teams can keep working effectively

About Veritas

Veritas spa is one of Italy’s leading multi-utility companies. It is primarily responsible for the management and supply of water and waste removal in and around Venice for the council, businesses and residents. Veritas also offers further services such as energy distribution via subsidiary companies and environmental reclamation.

The Challenge

Veritas had previously worked with meter reading software specialist and Zebra partner, Lektor, to deploy Lektor’s modular GEA software on Zebra TC5x Series touch computers. The devices were used by field teams to automate the accurate collection of customers’ meter readings. Pleased with the results of this project, Veritas wanted to streamline other services, including the replacement of customers’ older meters. Previously, this had been done manually, which resulted in data re-entry to register the meter and a protracted process to locate decommissioned meters in Veritas’s warehouses.

The Lektor software is intuitive, and the reliable Zebra devices are perfectly suited for the job: they are robust, and the entire solution is enabling our field teams to efficiently capture all the data and images they need. This has resulted in real-time information being available across the business and the elimination of leading to paperwork and data re-entry. We have seen improvements in customer service and productivity and now have effective, timely workflows. We are looking forward to continuing our close collaboration with Lektor and Zebra to further automate processes.

The Solution

Veritas now uses the Lektor and Zebra solution for meter reading, photographing meters and readings (for additional data certification). It also uses another module of the GEA software and Zebra ET56 enterprise rugged tablets to manage meter replacements in line with regulatory compliance requirements. Field-based teams can use the touch inputs on the big screens to enter all the data relating to the replacement in the bespoke, intuitive application running on the Zebra tablets. Additionally, users can photograph each stage of the replacement and use satellite coordinates and maps to record the exact meter location. Once a new meter is installed, the customer signs on the tablet screen and the operator uses the Zebra ZQ510 mobile printer to print out a receipt.

Field operators also have access to a weekly diary of appointments, with automated appointment reminders, workload management and optimal route planning tools.

The Zebra Difference: Outcome and Benefits

Real-time, accurate information and photographic evidence relating to meter readings and replacements are now available across Veritas, resulting in an increase in efficiency and productivity and improved customer service. The reduction in paperwork and optimal route planning are helping to reduce Veritas’s environmental footprint, while the evidence gathered at all stages of the process enables full traceability for compliance with meter replacement regulations. End user feedback has been excellent, with operators praising the intuitive Lektor application, and the battery life, connectivity and robustness of the Zebra enterprise rugged tablets and rugged mobile computers. The devices and Zebra mobile printers are supported by a Zebra OneCare™ contract, allowing for a replacement within 24 hours if needed. This is a decisive factor for Veritas, which needs flexible and reliable technology to keep operations running smoothly. The solution is allowing Veritas to manage operations easily and effectively, from individual customer requests to large-scale replacement campaigns.

Having seen the benefits of the project, Veritas is looking at further initiatives with Lektor and Zebra in the near future, such as managing supply point censuses and the suspension of water supplies due to non-payment.